Devlog 1.6.6 : enhance the UX/UI

1.6.6: These updates and plans mainly aim to enhance the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) by replacing outdated designs with improved, player-feedback-driven solutions.
Recent Updates

Redesigned and updated visual assets.
Replaced button with a lever mechanism.
Added indicators for current weight and current resources.

Item & Carriage & Room & Crew Introduced new rooms: Chemical Room and Textile Room. Added "eatingFood" animation for crew members. Improved crew behavior to work and sleep in the correct positions within rooms. Enabled the ability to cancel current production in the Product Room. Sound Introduced time-change sounds. Added click sound effects. Fix Bug Resolved issues with the 'More Info' function in build mode. Fixed bugs related to crew sleeping behavior. Corrected some UI layering issues. Improved crew behavior consistency.

Currently Working

  • Redesigning the entire BuildMode panel
  • Designing a showDetail system to display detailed information when pointing at objects, along with an explanatory info system.
  • Introduced alert notifications for events such as running out of fuel, crew hunger, and other significant occurrences.
  • Implementing stairs to access the second floor.
  • Adding animations for rooms during crafting activities.
  • Optimizing the OptionPanel for better fullscreen and windowed mode functionality.
  • Enhancing event notifications to inform players of acquired carriages and items.

-Updating the tutorial for a more comprehensive step-by-step guide.

  • Improving the layout of the qualification UI.

In plan

  • Redesigning the entire Carriage, Room, and Function Info Panel for better usability.
  • Designing a CurrentRoutePanel to display current routes.
  • Creating a Databank to collect and display past events, discovered items, and lore.
  • Developing New Game setup, Save, and Load functionalities for the main menu.


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