Release Note : For the Start To 1.6.7A

Greeting Everyone,

Over the past 7-8 months, we have worked diligently to enhance and expand our game. Our team has focused on adding new features, improving existing systems, and ensuring a better overall player experience.

Here's a summary of the results of our efforts over the last 7-8 months for our game. Below is a list of our updates and the latest improvements:

New Features:


Introduced a route system where each route offers its own unique locations and events for players to encounter during their journey


Events are now dynamically generated and can be encountered randomly or by searching specific locations.


Players can send a crew to scavenge locations in the wasteland, Each location offers specific resources to search for and events to experience. The story progresses through these landmarks location & events


Players can now build stairs to access the second or third floors of their carriage.


Added a comprehensive tutorial to guide new players through the game's features and mechanics.

Room Function:

  • Crafting Function: Players can issue craft orders to create custom items and gear. Crafting takes time, adding a strategic element to resource management and planning.
  • Product Function: allowing for the production to make sustain resources. Managing production cycles effectively is key to maintaining a steady supply of resources.
  • Living Function: These rooms provide spaces for characters to sleep, eat, and relax, ensuring they remain healthy and productive.
  • Engine Function: This room allows players to control the speed of the train
  • Storage Function: Dedicated storage rooms are available for players to store resources.



Our top priority has been to redesign the interface for ease of use. Here is a list of panels and components we've redesigned or added:

  • All Resource Panel
  • Train Status Panel
  • Event Panel
  • Select Route Panel
  • Confirm Panel
  • Notify Panel
  • Main Button
  • Top UI Panel
  • Resource UI
  • Explore UI
  • Build Mode Panel
  • Option Panel

Visual and Animation and Audio:

  • Room Lighting & Sprites
  • Crew Animation
  • Room Building Animation
  • Room product Animation
  • Room Storage Animation
  • Room Dirty visual effect
  • UI sound effect
  • Event sound effect
  • Ambient sound
  • Background music sound
  • Time control sound

Quality of Life:

  • Floating Text when receiving combat effect
  • Floating Text when add or remove item in room
  • Resource UI to show overall resource
  • Highlight room


Route : 3

Location : 10

Event : 14

Room: 25

Carriage: 19


LostHeavenStation 1.6.7A.rar 51 MB
2 days ago

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