Devlog 1.6.5 : What's in Game?

Greetings, everyone! I'm FrozenTEAR, the director of the "Lost Heaven Station" project. We're excited to be a part of the community, and we appreciate your support as we develop our base-building colony simulator, inspired by games like RimWorld and Oxygen Not Included. Here’s a summary of our recent updates and what you can expect next:

Recent Updates

  1. User Interface Enhancements
    • AllResource Panel: Check all resources in your room.
    • TrainStatus Panel: Monitor the status and train speed.
    • Event Panel: .
    • SelectRoute Panel: .
    • Confirm Panel: .
    • Notify Panel: .
    • MainButton and Top UI Panel: .
  2. Visual and Animation Improvements
    • Room Lighting & Sprites: Enhanced visuals for rooms.
    • Crew Animation: More dynamic character movements.
    • Room Building Animation: Visual feedback when constructing rooms.
  3. Product Functionality
    • Mushroom Farming: You can now grow mushrooms!
  4. Game Balancing
    • Item Stacking: Reduced max stack size for basic materials from 100 to 50 for better resource management.
    • Crafting & Production: Adjustments make Craft&Product each resource longer time for more balanced gameplay.
    • In-Game Time: One in-game hour is now 25 seconds in real life, making a full day 600 seconds.
    • In Tutorial Route(you have only one yet): You will get  2-3 unique events in the tutorial route.
  5. Gameplay Features
    • Select Route: Choose your path in the game.
    • Cleanliness & Maintenance: Keep rooms clean to ensure efficiency. Neglected rooms will see a drop in productivity.
    • Event Responses: Events now respond to your choices.
    • Crew Equipment: Your crew can now equip clothing & weapons.

Upcoming Updates (1-2 weeks)

Our next focus will be on enhancing the tutorial, as we’ve received feedback that it’s currently overwhelming with too much information at the start. We aim to:

  1. Improve the Tutorial: Simplify and clarify instructions to help new players get started.
  2. Game Balancing: Test and refine existing features to ensure a fun and engaging gameplay loop, especially the route-finding mechanic.
  3. UI Information Layering: Redesign panels to make information more accessible and easy to understand.

Feedback Welcome!

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please share your thoughts and comments about our game—we’re eager to hear from you and incorporate your suggestions.

Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for more updates!


LostHeavenStation 1.6.4A.rar 36 MB
43 days ago

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